Energy and Renewables Readiness

Help and advice on planning for and preparing energy transition plans, site renewables, energy efficient and network management

We can support clients on their journey to prepare for and enhance their offerings to the renewables sector. We can also assist the Renewables sector in their aspirations and interactions with ports.

In addition, we can support ports with their energy transition plans, on-site renewables, energy storage, peak shaving revenue options and private network operation and commercialisation.

Energy Efficiency and Onsite Renewable Generation

IPC can assist clients with assessments of energy efficiency for their facilities. Assessments of where there are options operationally to drive efficiency and reduce energy use and technologies to assist the process. This can apply to infrastructure, plant or vessels.

We can also help with energy resilience planning, through the feasibility assessment of various on-site renewable generation, power backup options, whether through backup generation or energy storage, in various forms and at various scales including options to generate revenue from this.

Net Zero Transition and Future Fuels

IPC can assist clients with their plans to achieve net zero, this can be through a forward looking plan (or suite of plans) to create a pathway to Net Zero, often this can be split into those actions that are immediate with a clear pathway and identification of the unknowns and what may need to be understood to develop that knowledge in the later stages of adoption.

The future fuel options are various, currently at different states of readiness. We can assist with developing the understanding associated with the options for various fuels, whether for plant, road vehicles, distribution vehicles calling at the client facility or vessels.

Energy Networks and Network Management

Energy networks are critical to the movement of power, we can also assist with private energy networks, including tariff setting and regulatory approval for third party access through Ofgem approval (in the UK).

Energy Storage is seen as increasingly critical, it can serve a number of functions, as back up supply, for peak shaving, as a way to avoid costly offsite network upgrades and to supply balancing services to the grid. These can all be considered.

Readiness for offshore renewables

IPC can assist ports in understanding their readiness for the offshore renewables revolution, understanding what infrastructure may need re-purposed, enhanced or newly developed and how to do that. We can assist with structuring agreements with Renewables developers and/or their EPC Contractors.

We can also assist Renewables Developers in understanding their requirements in ports, the readiness of facilities and the needs for those facilities to deliver to client aspirations.



26 Rue Van Elewyck
1050 Brussels

Telephone: +32 (0)2 648 0046


20 Mortlake High Street
SW14 8JN
United Kingdom

Telephone: +44 (0)20 4524 5950